Welcome to Advanced Clinical Education Inc.
Please click on the link for more information on Shrikant J. Chinchalkar..
The mission of Advanced Clinical Education Inc. is to provide high level of continuing education on upper extremity conditions to the health care and rehab professionals to enhance their level of knowledge about rehabilitation on various upper extremity conditions. Please click on the link for more information on Shrikant.
Our Webinars are tailored to:
- Enhance clinical skills, thereby enabling you to keep abreast of today’s surgical and therapeutic advancements
- Help build confidence and skills to immediately implement techniques to provide better patient care and achieve better outcome
- Provide an in-depth, evidence based, informative, theoretical and practical knowledge about the upper extremity rehabilitation
- The Webinars or Online courses can be hosted at your facility (contact us for more information about hosting a 4, 6, or 8 hours of webinars).
Hand Therapy Program
Research guidance
Virtual Patient Care
Hand Therapy Certification Examination Training
Carpal Motion
Normal Synchronous Motion at the Wrist Occurs when all the ligaments are intact. The midcarpal & radiocarpal joints move in different directions when wrist moves in Radial & Ulnar Deviation. During radial deviation, the proximal carpal row flexes and slides ulnarly and distal carpal row moves radially and exactly reversal occurs when the wrist moves in ulnar deviation. During flexion […]
Drop Sign- Elbow
Clinical Implications of Drop Sign The radiographic drop sign was first identified by Coonrad in simple and complex elbow fractures and dislocations. He defined this sign as an increased ulnohumeral joint distance greater than 3-4 mm. Complications associated with drop sign includes limited elbow motion leading to contracture which is associated with pain.
SYNDROME OF QUADRIGIA – “Muscular body of the flexor tendons can act efficiently if the gliding amplitude of each of the tendons is normal”. If the gliding amplitude of the FDP tendon in one finger is reduced, then the FDP tendons of adjacent digits also will have reduced excursion.
Verdan C.:Surg.Clin.North Am.1960,40:425-26EXTENSOR QUADRIGA –“If gliding amplitude of EDC […]
JT-Sagittal Band
JunctureTendinum and Sagittal Band Relationship The juncturae tendinum and sagittal bands transmit precise forces through the dorsum of the hand. Both structures are integral in the mechanics of normal digital extension and in stabilization of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints. These two structures have an intricate relationship with each other and therefore these structures are constantly producing a balancing act […]
Midcarpal Instability
Midcarpal Instability First identified by Lichtman in 1980. Patients often present volar sag on the ulnar side of the wrist and give a history of painful “Clunk”. This is caused by laxity of proximal & midcarpal ligaments. Upon testing forearm pronation an obvious clunk is seen. During radio-ulnar motion – the palmar sag disappears with a catch-up clunk. Interestingly, a […]
Swan Neck/Boutonniere
Swan Neck and Boutonniere/Pseudo-Boutonniere Deformities Swan Neck and Boutonniere/Pseudo-Boutonniere Deformities: From a definition point of view, any primary pathology that causes excessive tension on the extensor apparatus leading the PIP joint in hyperextension will produce a symptom called a Swan Neck Deformity. Whereas a true Boutonniere Deformity is primarily caused by the central slip rupture. Otherwise any primary pathology that […]

Member of Education Committee, International Federation of Societies of Hand Therapists

Honorary advisor to Society of Hand Therapy, India

“ Honorary Advisor” to Asia Pacific Wrist Association

“Lifetime Achievement Award” by the International Federation of Societies of Hand Therapists (IFSHT) in Berlin, Germany.

“Honorary Advisor” to the Hong Kong Society of Hand Therapists.

Renaming Hand Therapy Fellowship program as “The Chinchalkar Hand Therapy Fellowship” of the Roth-McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb Centre, St. Joseph’s Health Care, London.

“Excellence in Professional Practice – Teaching and Coaching” by St. Joseph’s Health Care London.

“Lifetime membership award” by the Canadian Society of Hand Therapists (CSHT)

“ Best Educator” – Western University.

“Award for Leadership in Occupational Therapy” by the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT).

“Best Paper Presentation” at the 6th Annual Conference of CSHT, Calgary, AB, Canada

“Outstanding Contribution” at the National Saudi Physical Therapy Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

“Outstanding Alumnae” at the 50th Annual conference of All India Occupational Therapist’s Association, Nagpur, India.

Fellowship award in Occupational Therapy presented by Ergo-Medicine Research Academy, Nagpur, India.

Paul Brand award of Excellence in Hand Therapy at the 26th annual meeting of the American Society of Hand Therapists, Hollywood, CA

Sister of St. Joseph’s award of Excellence, London, ON.

Best Poster Presentation Award at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hand Therapists in San Francisco, CA.

Best Clinical Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hand Therapists in Washington, DC.
Best Clinical Paper Award-1994
Year: 1994
Award: Best Clinical Paper Award
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hand Therapists
Location: Washington, DC
Best Poster Presentation Award-1995
Year: 1995
Award: Best Poster Presentation Award
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hand Therapists
Location: San Francisco, CA
Sister of St. Joseph's Award of Excellence -1998
Year: 1998
Award: Sister of St. Joseph's award of Excellence
Location: London, ON.
Paul Brand Award of Excellence-2003
Year: 2003
Award: Paul Brand award of Excellence
Event: Hand Therapy at the 26th annual meeting of the American Society of Hand Therapists
Location: Hollywood, CA
Fellowship Award-2004
Year: 2004
Award: Fellowship award
Event: Occupational Therapy presented by Ergo-Medicine Research Academy
Location: Nagpur, India.
Outstanding Alumnae Award-2008
Year: 2008
Award: Outstanding Alumnae Award
Event: 50th Annual conference of All India
Location: India
Outstanding Contribution Award-2012
Year: 2012
Award: Outstanding Contribution Award
Event: At the National Saudi Physical Therapy Conference
Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Best Paper Presentation Award-2013
Year: 2013
Award: Best Paper Presentation Award
Event: At the 6th Annual Conference of CSHT
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Award for Leadership in Occupational Therapy-2013
Year: 2013
Award: Award for Leadership in Occupational Therapy
Event: Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT)
Best Educator Award-2016
Award: Best Educator
Event: Western University
Lifetime Membership Award-2016
Award: Lifetime Membership Award
Event: The Canadian Society of Hand Therapists (CSHT)
Excellence in Professional Practice Teaching and Coaching -2017
Award: Excellence in Professional Practice Teaching and Coaching Award
Event: St. Joseph’s Health Care London
Location: London
The Chinchalkar Hand Therapy Fellowship Award-2017
Award: The Chinchalkar Hand Therapy Fellowship Award
Event: Roth-McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb Centre, St. Joseph’s Health Care
Location: London
Honorary Advisor Award-2018
Award: Honorary Advisor Award
Event: Hong Kong Society of Hand Therapists
Location: Hong Kong
Lifetime Achievement Award-2019
Award: Lifetime Achievement Award
Event: International Federation of Societies of Hand Therapists (IFSHT)
Location: Berlin, Germany.
Honorary Advisor Award-2019
Award: Honorary Advisor Award
Event: Society of Hand Therapy
Location: India
Honorary Advisor-2019
Award: Honorary Advisor
Event: Asia Pacific Wrist Association
Member of Education Committee-2019
Award: Member of Education Committee
Event: International Federation of Societies of Hand Therapists
What Our Patient Say
Hear the feedback from some of our amazing patients after their treatment with Physiotherapy Health Clinic.
J. F.
Superb use of audio visual. Cadaveric dissections along with fluoroscopy and animations make biomechanics of various deformities and the management easy to understand.
A. F.
Excellent presenter and speaker. Makes complex topics simple to understand.
M. R. (OTR/K, CHT)
A very knowledgeable speaker. Excellent teaching style. Now I know how I can make a difference in my outcome.
Dr. Christine Nicholas, MD., FRCSC
Shrikant Chinchalkar is one of the most knowledgeable hand therapists I have encountered during my training in Plastic Surgery. He treats every patient individually and develops comprehensive treatment plans based on a sound knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics. People often feel that surgery is the solution to their hand problems, but they underestimate the value of therapy and I would highly recommend Shrikant in this regards.
Dr. Ashley Kim, MD, FRCSC
Shrikant is a true expert in upper extremity therapy. He shows attention to detail and professionalism in all of his patient care. He implements effective practice based on the latest evidence based models, with a solid foundation in anatomy. It is always a pleasure and wonderful learning experience working with Shrikant.
MT, Boston, MA
Your teaching stule is uniqe. you made most difficult subject so easy, I can now remember VISI/ DISI patterns of instability. I would recommend every therapist to learn from you.
RS, Baltimore
I loved all the cadaver dissection, patient videos and animation you presented during the course. These simplified understanding of swan neck and boutonniere deformities and its progression. After taking your course I realized that truly one can walk 10 steps ahead of game and stop/prevent secondary deformities of the hand.
AT, California
Thank you for presenting complex brachial plexus injuries and their, pre and post-op management. I wasn’t aware of brachial plexus orthsis and its use for muscle training. I can use the skills right away in the clinic starting tomorrow.
I had no doubt, I hired a right person for this job. I knew, this individual has a passion for research, teaching and patient care and I am confident that he will bring the program to a high level. I offered him an access to a biomechanics lab and to teach the resident and fellows about the hand therapy.
I was impressed when you presented this child with PIP joint intra-articular fracture. Everyone had given up on him but your recommendation of doing osteoclasis and traction splinting ideas and early motion to regain joint motion was genius. – personal communication
“Extensor Quadriga” – I had never heard of it and neither I believed in it until you showed me few cases and discussed the consequences. I commend your problem solving skills – Personal communication
M.C, OT. Reg(On.)
When I think of Shrikant, one phrase comes to my mind is that he is my “Go-To-Guy”. No matter how busy he is, he always finds time to answer a question, give guidance or lend a helping hand….all without making you feel belittled or a burden.
J.B. , OT, CHT
He is just a walking encyclopedia of anatomy and hand therapy.
Juliana Larocerie, M.Sc.OT, CHT
It has been a true honour working alongside Shrikant. He is the perfect role model, someone to look up to, the greatest mentor. He is the perfect combination of knowledge, generosity, willingness, compassion, dedication, innovation and persistence. Shrikant teaches us to ALWAYS do better…..to ALWAYS be the best we can….to ALWAYS go the extra mile. When Shrikant is close by, there is a constant feeling of “the impossible is possible” in the air.
Gill Barr, OT, CHT
Shrikant is the “GOLD STANDARD” in hand therapy. His passion for the profession is closely followed by his own love of teaching. Those of us who have worked, and travelled to conferences with him, have seen his humour and generosity of years.
Joey Pipicelli, M.Sc. OT, CHT
Shrikant has trained Each and every member of our hand therapy team and, essentially, a generation of hand therapists, to provide the best evidence based care in the world to the patients we serve.
Cameron Van Oort, M.Sc.OT
Shrikant sat down with me numerous times as a student to draw detailed anatomical images of the hand and wrist on paper towel whilst explaining the various structures he was drawing. This experience augmented my understanding of upper extremity anatomy, biomechanics, and treatment greater than any textbook and/or research paper could have done. He is a scholar and an excellent teacher.
Sue Lee, M.Sc.OT, OTR
Shrikant, your enthusiasm and passion for hand therapy are infectious. I am excited to embark on my career knowing that I have learned from the vert best! Thank you!