Swan Neck and Boutonniere/Pseudo-Boutonniere Deformities

Swan Neck and Boutonniere/Pseudo-Boutonniere Deformities: From a definition point of view, any primary pathology that causes excessive tension on the extensor apparatus leading the PIP joint in hyperextension will produce a symptom called a Swan Neck Deformity. Whereas a true Boutonniere Deformity is primarily caused by the central slip rupture. Otherwise any primary pathology that causes excessive tension on the flexor apparatus leading to PIP joint flexion will produce a symptom called as Pseudo-Boutonniere deformities.
The Hand; Tubiana, Vol III: The Swan Neck Deformity & The BoutonniereDeformity

Video Gallery

Swan Neck Deformity
Swan Neck in Two-Stage Flexor Tendon Graft
Central Slip Rupture producing Boutonniere Deformity